Registrations are open for Online Short Term Course on Cyber Forensic & Information Security on 16-20 December 2021.
About the Course
In the past few years, technology has evolved gradually and it has the methods of crime. Today, robberies and delinquencies are no more like the ones we witnessed even few years back. Now, stealing identity, information, and hacking personal information is extremely familiar in our operating landscape.
As a result, cyber forensics become our go-to option to save the information stored on our systems, company databases, and movable drives. With individuals becoming more afraid of the online threat rather than physical robbery, cybercrime such as credit card fraud is creating a new level of security loopholes in the system.
To remedy the situation and make customers feel safe, cyber forensics play an important role in information security. Every organization understands that it is necessary to save the personal information of customers and employees. It is rather a legal obligation to prevent data leaks and keep the cyber data secure. This is where cyber forensics come in.
The course will be focusing on information security, web application forensics, cloud security, security threats, computer crimes, data security and backup, importance of digital forensic, issues in computer and mobile forensic and cyber laws in detail to help students and teachers.
The STC also covers the hands on practices of different tools and technologies in cyber security and forensics, and threats faced by individuals, different classifications of Malware, basics of Information Security, DDoS attacks and hacking attack stages.
- Interested candidates can register via this page.
- No registration fee for attending the course.
Session 1: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Session 2: 02:30 PM – 05:00 PM
Dr Samayveer Singh
Mobile: +91-9953741966
Email: samays[at]
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