In photography, the terms “developer” and “fixer” refer to essential chemicals used in the process of developing film and prints in traditional darkroom photography. These chemicals play distinct roles in the photographic development process. Let’s delve into the science behind different kinds of developers and fixers in photography. Developers Developers are chemicals used to convert […]
Forensic Photography
Depth of Field in Photography
Depth of Field (DoF) is a zone within an image that is in focus, spanning from the nearest point to the farthest point. The area outside of this zone is progressively blurred, creating a sense of depth and separation between the subject and its surroundings. Factors Influencing Depth of Field a. Aperture (f-stop): The primary […]
Equipment Required for Crime Scene Photography
We talked about the importance of photographs and types of photographs that a crime scene photographer takes at the crime scene in our previous post. In this post, we will give you an insight on what all is required to take a photograph at the scene of crime. Taking a photograph may look like an […]
Crime Scene Photography
The meaning of the word “photography” is derived from two Greek words, “phos” (light) and “graphia” (writing or drawing). Together, they mean “writing with light” or “drawing with light.” Photography involves the creation of an image using light. Forensic photography was introduced in 1851 in Belgium.. Photographs provide visual documentation of the scene of crime […]