Practice Quiz on ICT for NET Exam1. A typical modern computer uses LSI chips Vacuum tubes Valves All of the above2. Micro Processing is made for Electronic goods Computer Calculator Digital system3. The main component of first generation computer was Transistors Vacuum tubes and valves Integrated circuits None of the above4. FORTRAN is the acronym for Floppy translation File translation Formula translation Format translation5. In an analogue computer Input is first converted to digital form Input is never converted to digital form Output is displayed in digital form All of the above6. Who designed the first electronics computer—ENIAC? Van-Neumann Joseph M. Jacquard J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly None of the above7. The hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols 0–7 0–9, A–F 0–7, A–F None of the above8. UNIVAC is Universal automatic computer Universal array computer Unique automatic computer Unvalued automatic computer9. A software that converts a program in assembly language into the machine language is called Compiler Assembler Interpreter None of the above10. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from Primary memory External memory Control section Cache memory Loading … Share this post: Share on Facebook Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram Share on Email
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