FACT Exam Paper Digital Forensics 20241. Which country won the 2019 Ice Hockey World Championship? Russia Finland Canada Czech Republic2. Which Indian state shares the longest land border with Bhutan? Assam Sikkim Arunachal Pradesh West Bengal3. Which of the following is the longest train route in the world? Moscow to Vladivostok Toronto to Vancouver Shanghai to Lhasa Sydney to Perth4. Identify the southernmost located country amongst these Madagascar Sri Lanka New Zealand Fiji 5. India shares its land borders with how many countries. 5 7 9 46. I will write a letter to you tentatively _______ the dates of the program. involving urging guiding indicating7. 2 16 112 672 3360 13440 ? 3430 3340 40320 43240 8. 40% of 210 is same as one third of? 840 280 252 849. QPO, NML, KJI, _____, EDC HGF CAB JKM GHD10. Samantha is your father’s mother’s grandson’s daughter. Therefore, Samantha is your niece sister uncle brother 11. The microscope which cannot be used for studying living cells is Compound microscope Electron microscope Fluorescence microscope Light microscope12. What is the primary purpose of accrediting forensic labs? Financial gain Legal compliance Quality assurance Employee satisfaction13. In which country did Sir William Herschel pioneer the use of fingerprints for identification in the 19th century? United States United Kingdom India France14. The development of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) has greatly enhanced: Bloodstain pattern analysis Fingerprints DNA profiling Toxicological analysis15. The concept of “Every contact leaves a trace” is associated with the work of: Calvin Goddard Edmond Locard Alphonse Bertillon Sir William Locard16. Who is “Father of Forensic Entomology”? Dr. William Bass Dr. Clyde Snow Dr. Michael Baden Dr. Bernard Green Berg17. Next number in the series 3,6,8,16,18,……is 28 36 54 3418. If today is Wednesday, what would be the day after 121 days Wednesday Saturday Sunday Friday19. Which is the correct spelt word Capricious Cappricious Caprisious Caprisuos20. During electrophoresis speed of migration of ions depends on: Shape and size of molecule Magnitude of charge and shape of molecule Magnitude of charge, shape and mass of molecule Magnitude of charge and mass of molecule21. A bullet from scene of crime is collected by means of Forceps Tongs Gloved hands Spatula22. Chelioscopy is study of Foot Fingers Palate Lips23. The electromagnetic spectrum’s Visible region stretches from: 380-760 nm 500-1mm 165-525 nm 760-1 mm24. Which of the following Microscope uses light as a source of illumination SEM TEM Stereo microscope Scanning probe microscope25. What type of evidence includes tangible items such as weapons, clothing, or documents that are directly related to a crime? Circumstantial evidence Physical evidence Testimonial evidence Documentary evidence26. A witness testifying about what they personally observed or experienced is providing: Circumstantial evidence Hearsay evidence Testimonial evidence Documentary evidence27. Which technique involves casting three-dimensional replicas of footwear impressions found at a crime scene? Shoeprint analysis Casting Electrostatic dust print lifting Bloodstain pattern analysis 28. What is the primary purpose of creating a crime scene sketch? To replace photographs To provide a visual overview of the crime scene To identify suspects To collect physical evidence29. The immediate surroundings of an area where a crime has been committed is referred to as: A secondary crime scene A primary crime scene An auxiliary crime scene A contained crime scene30. What is the primary purpose of Crime Scene Photography? To document the Investigator’s presence To create artistic representations of the crime scene To provide a visual record of the entire crime scene To capture only close-up shots of evidence31. In crime scene reconstruction, what does the term “modus operandi” refer to? The suspect’s motive The method of operation used by the suspect The victim’s actions at the crime scene The legal procedures followed during the investigation32. What does the term “Integrity of the Chain of Custody” refer to? Keeping the evidence in pristine condition Ensuring a swift transfer of evidence Allowing multiple agencies to handle the evidence Sharing evidence with the media33. Which organization is responsible for accrediting forensic laboratories in India according to ISO/IEC 17025 standards? FSSAI NABH NABL BIS34. To identify the shape of univariate data, what type of graph would be the most useful? Histogram Scatter plot Bar chart Pie chart35. What is the purpose of staining in gel electrophoresis? To regulate temperature To enhance electrical conductivity To visualize separated molecules To control pH36. Sum of deviations will be zero if it is taken from Mean Mode Medium Standard Deviation37. Find the median of the given data set: 5, 8, 12, 17, 2, 14, 6, 8, 13 and 7 5 2 8 1738. The reducing action of developing agents for Black & White film Potassium Sulphite Potassium Bromide Sodium Carbonate Sodium Thiosulphate39. The Exposure Triangle refer to the three major setting that effect Exposure – ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed Aperture, Shutter Speed, Focal Length Quality of Camera, Aperture, Shutter Speed Film, Lens & Colour40. As per Section 8 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 which of the following is a relevant fact: Motive Preparation Subsequent Conduct All of the above41. Under the PFA Act, when is the food said to be adulterated if any ingredient is injurious to health if it is obtained from a diseased animal if spices are sold without their essence all of these42. Coca, hemp and opium are defined under: The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act The Pharmacy Act The Drugs and Cosmetics Act The Poisons Act43. Which of the following methods is non‐destructive technique for ink identification Solubility test Thin layer chromatography UV‐Vis spectrophotometer Videospectral analysis44. Milk is deficient of which mineral? Phosphorus Sodium Iron Potassium45. Preservation of footprint on snow can be done by Plaster of Paris Cast Sulphur casting Tracing Wax Casting46. Ridge characteristics can be found in: Footprint Fingerprints Palm prints All47. In which section of the CrPC provision for free legal aid is given: 314 381 304 33448. The image seen through a compound microscope is Virtual Real False Imaginary49. Which of the following is a non-volatile memory? RAM Hard Disk Cache ROM50. What is the full form of ALU? Arithmetic Logical Unit Arithmetic Local Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Arithmetic Logic Unity51. Section –B Digital Forensics Hard disk are organized as Cylinders only Tracks only Cylinders and tracks Master Boot Record52. FDISK command is used to? Creates partitions on a hard drive Does fragmentation on the hard drive Fix bad sectors on hard drive Recover lost clusters on hard drive53. The platters of a hard disk are coated with Magnetic material Non-magnetic material Polyvinyl coating Silica gel54. ____________has smallest storage capacity. Floppy disk Zip disk Hard disk CD55. UDF stands for Undated Disk Format Universal Data Frequency Unique Disk Format Universal Disk Format56. What is the main directory of a disk called? Folder Root Sub Network57. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus Universal Sequential Bus Uniform Serial Bus United Serial Bus58. How many pins does an IDE cable/connector have? 36 40 42 4459. Which of the following is a potential consequence of mishandling digital evidence? Legal admissibility Data authentication Chain of custody violation Data replication60. Which of the following is NOT a common digital forensic technique? Data obfuscation File carving Memory analysis Hashing61. The area that begins at the end of the last sector that contains logical data and terminates at the end of the cluster is known as: File Slack HDD Slack ROM Slack RAM Slack62. In Digital Forensic, Hash/Hashing algorithms are used to Search malicious data Verify integrity of copied data Detect viruses None of these63. What is the full form of CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access Code Division Machine Access Cellular Division Multiple Access Code Division Multi-user Access64. IMEI of a mobile device means: International Mobile Equipment Identity International Mobile Evidence Identity Integrated Mobile Equipment Identity International Machine Equipment Identity65. Which of the following is NOT a potential challenge in digital forensic investigations? Data corruption Limited storage capacity Rapid technological advancements Lack of digital devices66. Cyber Security provides security against what? Against Malware Against cyber-terrorists Defends a device from threat All mentioned options67. Which of the below benefits of cyber security is not true? System getting slower Computer lagging and crashes Provide privacy to users Secures system against viruses68. The process of documenting the seizure of digital evidence and, in particular, when that Evidence changes hands, is known as: Chain of custody Field notes Interim report None of the above69. Which of the following pertains to network infrastructure security? A competitor accesses sensitive information through an unsecured wireless. Builders accidentally cut a network cable while digging. A disgruntled employee alters information in a customer. A secretary sends confidential information in a reply to an e-mail that falsely appears to come from her.70. What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature? India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000 India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000 India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 The Technology Act, 200871. Which technique is used for data protection? Data piracy Authentication Encryption None of these72. What is true about “bit time”? It is the time it takes to encapsulate application data into a bit. It is the time it takes for a NIC to move a bit from the data link layer to the Layer 1 media. IEEE standards require it to be the same on all It is the time it takes for a byte to traverse the copper or fiber cable73. Even with two-factor authentication, users are vulnerable to which attacks. Man-in-the-middle Cross attack Scripting Radiant74. Which factor uses in many applications, where two independent factors are used to identify a user? Cross-site scripting Cross-site request forgery Two-factor authentication Cross-site scoring scripting75. Which of the below is used to analyse network flow and monitor traffic? Managed detection and response Cloud access security broker Network traffic analysis Secondary Storage Media Data Analysis76. The term “protection from of source code” refers to limiting access to the source code to just authorized individuals. disclosure alteration destruction log of changes77. __________refers to phishing performed over smart-phone by Algo-based phishing Email-based phishing Domain Phishing Vishing78. _____________ are programs or devices that capture the vital information from the target network or particular network. Routers Trappers Wireless-crackers Sniffers 79. _____________ is the attack method for decoding user credentials. Using this techniquean attacker can log on as a user & gain access to unauthorized data. Cache Snooping Cookie-jacking Cookie Snooping Cache-compromising80. _____________ tracks your data and displays those products as ads for promotions. Ad-based spyware System Monitors Spy-trojans Tracking cookies81. Key loggers are form of Spyware Shoulder surfing Trojan Social engineering82. SNMP stands for Simple Network Message Protocol Simple New Message Protocol Simple Network Management Protocol Simple Network Managing Protocol83. Which attack allows the attacker to execute the scripts on the victim’s browser? SSL attack Cookie attack Banner grabbing XSS attack84. A/an _____________ attack is one of the simplest processes of gaining access to any password-protected system. Click jacking Brute force Eavesdropping Waterhole85. ______________ are difficult to identify as they keep on changing their type and signature. Non-resident virus Boot Sector Virus Polymorphic Virus Multipartite Virus 86. _____________ are implemented to carry out distributed DDoS attacks, steal data, send spam messages & permits the hacker to access various devices & its connection. Trojan Virus Botnet Worms87. Which of the below is a hacking technique in which cybercriminals create fictitious web pages or domains to deceive or obtain more traffic? Pharming Mimicking Spamming Website-Duplication88. Which of the below implemented is not a good means of safeguarding privacy? Biometric verification ID and password-based verification 2-factor authentication switching off the phone89. The method of hiding the secret is Cryptography Hashing Cartography Cryptanalysis90. The is the message after transformation Cipher text Plain text Readable Text Writable Text91. In an asymmetric-key cipher, the sender uses the key. private public either (a) or (b) neither (a) nor (b)92. In an asymmetric-key cipher, the sender uses the key. private public either (a) or (b) neither (a) nor (b)93. One commonly used public-key cryptography method is the algorithm. RSS RAS RSA RAA94. Hash functions guarantee message integrity and that the message has not been ______. Over view Replaced Violated Changed95. SSID is abbreviated as Service Set Independent Device Service Set Identifier Secure Set Independent Device Secure Service Identifier96. In networks protocol TCP/ IP stands for Transaction Control Protocol Transmission Control Protocol Transmission Contribution Protocol None of These97. Physical or logical arrangement of network is Topology Routing Networking None of the mentioned98. Data communication system spanning states, countries, or the whole world is LAN WAN MAN None of the mentioned99. In wireless distribution system multiple access points are inter-connected with each other there is no access point only one access point exists none of the mentioned100. Which of the following is NOT a principle of digital forensic analysis? Volatility Integrity Availability Authenticity101. In wireless network an extended service set is a set of Connected basic service sets all stations all access points none of the mentioned102. Mostly is used in wireless LAN : time division multiplexing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing space division multiplexing none of the mentioned103. What is Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)? security algorithm for ethernet security algorithm for wireless networks security algorithm for USB communication none of the mentioned104. In _____________________ same keys are implemented for encrypting as well as decrypting the information. Symmetric Key Encryption Asymmetric Key Encryption Asymmetric Key Decryption Hash-based Key Encryption105. DES stands for ________________ Data Encryption Security Data Encrypted Standard Device Encryption Standard Data Encryption Standard106. Packet filtering firewalls are deployed on ________ routers switches hubs repeaters107. _________________ is the process or mechanism used for converting ordinary plain text into garbled non-human readable text & vice-versa. Malware Analysis Exploit writing Reverse engineering Cryptography108. Cryptographic algorithms are based on mathematical algorithms where these algorithms use ___________ for a secure transformation of data. secret key external programs add-ons secondary key109. What is the term used to describe the process of extracting information from digital devices without altering the original data? Data replication Data extraction Data obfuscation Data corruption110. Which of the statements are not true to classify VPN systems? Protocols used for tunnelling the traffic Whether VPNs are providing site-to-site or remote access connection Securing the network from bots and malwares Levels of security provided for sending and receiving data privately111. __________ masks your IP address. Firewall Antivirus VPN Incognito mode112. ___________ is a type of DoS threats to overload a server as it sends a large number of requests requiring resources for handling & processing. Network Layer DoS Physical Layer DoS Transport Layer DoS Application Layer DoS113. Which of the following is an application of drone? Project Monitoring Aerial Mapping Structural Health Monitoring All of the above114. When information is read or copied by someone not authorized to do so, the result is known as loss of confidentiality loss of integrity loss of availability All of the above115. OSI stands for Open System Interconnection Operating System Interface Optical Service Implementation None of the mentioned116. In Cyber Crime the attacker leaves multiple traces of their presence in: File System Registry System Logs All of the Above117. ___________ is a crime committed when someone uses the internet and other technologies to harass or stalk another person online. Cyber Bullying Cyber stalking Identity Theft None118. What is the term used to describe the act of using social media to engage in romantic or sexual relationships with minors? Cyberstalking Catfishing Grooming Sexting119. All cloud computing applications suffer from the inherent _______ that is intrinsic in their WAN connectivity. Noise Propagation Latency All of the mentioned120. Which of the following is a potential challenge in authenticating social media evidence? Encryption Timestamp manipulation Content deletion All of the above Loading … Share this post: Share on Facebook Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram Share on Email
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